A catalogue of Justin’s expertise

The Little-Known Diversity Factor That Can Positively Impact Your Company


The case for diversity in business is rock solid. But are you exploring every nuance of this beneficial element?

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How to Maximize the Contributions of 4 Diverse Work Styles


The business case for diversity is undisputed. However, age, gender and ethnicity aren’t the only areas in which you can create diversity in your organization. Differences in your employees’ work styles can also bring diverse perspectives that benefit and elevate your organization.

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The When and How of Conflict: Managing unexpected issues and change


Conflict has the highest chance of occurring during times of ambiguity, uncertainty and change. This blog post examines when conflict occurs in organizations, as well as how people tend to react to it.

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The Psychology of leading change


"Change is not a four-letter word…but often your reaction to it is!" -- Jeffrey Gitomer

Why do some businesses survive while others fail? One argument is that successful companies--and their leaders--accept that change is inevitable, while others don't.

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The Canadian Way: Our approach to decisions


Canadians, eh? We’re always known as the polite and friendly country, with individuals quick to apologize even when wronged. How many of us have apologized to someone else who clearly bumped into us? Or even apologized to an inanimate object when we bumped into it? (You can be honest, I’m not judging.)

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How to use data to drive decision making


How effectively are you using data in your hiring processes? The world of recruitment is evolving at an exponential pace, as more organizations turn to data-driven methods to enhance candidate selection and pinpoint any potential pitfalls.

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Is your corporate culture connected or disconnected?


Entrepreneurs and business leaders often believe that they hold the power to shape their company's culture. But, do they? Companies across all industries realize the value of establishing a "great" corporate culture, but don’t realize that there isn’t a one-size fits all solution. This could be harming your organization’s culture, rather than supporting it.

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A Psychologist breaks down top leadership obstacles and how to address them


No matter your management style or your industry, there are fundamental challenges shared by most leaders--and they make a perfect starting point for leadership training. Two of these common challenges (negotiation and delegation) are discussed here.

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Two top leadership challenges—and how to tackle them


While we would all agree leadership efforts can always improve, few companies are putting the time or money into developing effective leaders. Two common leadership challenges (networking and responding to unexpected changes) are discussed here.

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How to improve leadership development


Justin Deonarine, I/O Psychologist, provides his tips on how leadership development initiatives can be enhanced.

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An entrepreneur with street smarts: Emotional intelligence, risk tolerance and entrepreneur success


“First off, I’m looking for an entrepreneur with street smarts... Not the usual book smarts, but real live street smarts.” – Barbara Corcoran

Which combinations of emotional intelligence factors can help us determine whether or not an entrepreneur has the qualities that Barbara seeks?

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Coaching in the music industry


In this four-part series, I explored the actual results of a group of prospective artists for a music label, and provided strategies that they can use to harness their strengths and overcome challenges.

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Read Part 4


Emotional intelligence in the energy sector


In this four-part series, I examined data from a US energy company to understand the role that emotional intelligence plays in their leadership development efforts. I also compared how the leaders see themselves against how others see them.

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Current Concepts in the Assessment of Emotional Intelligence


Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to perceive, manage, evaluate, and use emotions. Broadly speaking, emotional intelligence addresses the emotional, personal, social, and survival dimensions of intelligence. This chapter examines the current state of emotional intelligence by comparing various models and approaches, as well as exploring the existing neurological evidence.

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Examining innovation and risk through the lens of emotional intelligence


Innovation continues to be a crucial aspect to the growth and well-being of companies across all industries. Despite varying in personality, all innovative leaders possess common underlying skills, as well as the willingness to take calculated risks.

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The current state of leadership development efforts


Many employees are dissatisfied with current leadership development efforts. Research suggest that the most commonly used leadership development methods are rated among the least effective. We explore this challenge here.

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